We have explosions, cameos from characters throughout the franchise, unlikely alliances as animes coreanos well as fun twists and turns at every corner. This is...
Solo Leveling is a renowned South Korean webtoon with a significant following for its engaging story and striking art style. The story follows Sung Jin-Woo, a powerless hunter who discovers a hidden dungeon that grants him a unique ability to level up in strength, akin to a video game character. This ability sets him from being the weakest to one of the strongest hunters.
However, these drones are actually piloted by a group of individuals known as the Eighty-sixers, who are dehumanized and treated as mere tools.
Waiting for you are the ever-smiling poster-girl and the cool, serious newcomer. A petite girl who never wants to work and a young woman approaching thirty who wants to get married. And the manager is a nice guy who’s obsessed with Japan!
This show tackles themes most anime tends to shy away from. Disease, anxiety, expectations – the show’s relentless treatment of its main characters contrasts with their stunning musical performances, reminding us that life is made of both the good and the bad.
However, everything changes when he meets a beautiful violinist, Kaori Miyazono, who stirs up his world and sets him on a journey to face music again.
Hey guys! I'm a huge fan of anime and video games. I used to be a competitive fighting game player (search my name in YouTube).
Sim, o YouTube É possibilitado a ser 1 bom lugar de modo a assistir a animes online. A plataforma de vídeos conta com animações próprias apresentados gratuitamente pelo YouTube Originals. Entre elas, IDOLiSH7 Vibrato, um spin-off da sé especialmenterie do TV IDOLiSH7.
Now that they are in high school, the ghost of the young girl (Menma) has appeared to Jintan. She explains to him that she cannot pass over to the other world because she has some unfinished business.
However, his butler duties are trivial compared to his real purpose for aiding Ciel. The two of them work together to figure out who was behind the plot to murder Ciel’s parents. Once they do… that person will have to face Sebastian’s demonic wrath.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic is an anime with a unique and refreshing setting and story. It’s still a coming of age adventure of sorts, but it’s creative Middle Eastern setting and use of familiar folklore names (though the characters are all original) makes it feel like a very different anime.
Moreover, it seems to not only faithfully adapt the beloved source material, but also elevate the experience, thanks to the anime medium's unique strengths.
However, within the calm of this tender society, Shinei and his team feel that their purpose is on the battlefield. Before long, they are once again in the midst of the Legion's onslaught as a part of the Federacy's Nordlicht Squadron, accompanied by Augusta Frederica.
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